

韩师傅 2024-11-25 15:48:08 213

1、EH(Exhaust Heating): 排气温度过高

2、BIZ: Brake installation or burst of stress;制动器过热或过载。

3、FG: Fire Gas Grade 2 (燃气等级2) ;燃气管线压力为2级

4、LT/RT: Low Temperature Running and Standing;低温启动和运行

5、RNV-C1 : Receiving Nonlinear Vibrations Continuously without Dampers.连续接收无阻力的非线性振动。

6、PID: Precise Inputs from Data Source to Identify Exact Actional Events for the Optical System .精确地由数据源输入到确定光学系统的确切动作的指令信号。

7、DTCA: Displayed on a Screen Mountain viewer at less than 1 minutes.显示在屏幕上不超过一分钟的时间

8、Multi-media transmission system: multimedia distributor such as CD、DVD et cether等多媒体传输系统

9、Overlay power supplies are useful only by requirring appropriate options.只有适当选择才能使用overlay电源设备。

10、Single channel water filtering electricity generators have been introduced into China's heating industry before 1998.1998年中国已生产出单路水过滤式热水器

11、Wellness management is an important process through which we can enable our hot emboditure that has long exposures above its level.通过热管理过程我们可以使暴露在外面的发热体保持其应有的水平。

12、The main conceptual difference was not simply one word "warm", but more commonly known as"heated"。主要概念的区别不仅仅是简单的一个词:"加热",而是更普遍地被称作:"温暖"。

13、In this regard,"hot" means shortening itself time span while other things remain small."暖"意味着缩短自身时间周期而其他事情仍维持小规模状态

14、"thermolysis killer"(热水杀手)是英文中形容一种能迅速杀死细菌的设备的一种说法

15、Still doesn’ts make any improvement if there were too much air around them.(仍然没有改善。)如果空气太多的话就没有任何改进。(这表明了空气循环的重要性)。



