Bosch Wall-Mounted Stove Extinguishing Fault
Bosch wall-mounted stove is a common household appliance in modern families. It is a device that can provide safe, energy-saving and efficient hot water and room temperature adjustment. However, it can also malfunction, and the most common one is extinguishing fault.
Bosch wall-mounted stove extinguishing fault is generally caused by insufficient flame or too large flame. When the flame is insufficient, it may be due to too fast fuel consumption, too small flame and too low furnace temperature, resulting in extinguishing. When the flame is too large, it may be due to insufficient combustion of fuel, too large flame and too high furnace temperature, resulting in extinguishing.
To solve the extinguishing fault of Bosch wall-mounted stove, first of all, check whether the flame is normal. If the flame is insufficient, check whether the fuel is consumed too fast, check whether the fuel pipe is blocked or leaking, replace the blocked or leaking fuel pipe, check whether the flame regulator is faulty, replace the faulty flame regulator, check whether the furnace has slag, clean the slag in the furnace, check whether the furnace temperature is normal, adjust the furnace temperature.
If the flame is too large, check whether the fuel is insufficient combustion, check whether the fuel pipe is leaking, replace the leaking fuel pipe, check whether the flame regulator is faulty, replace the faulty flame regulator, check whether the furnace has slag, clean the slag in the furnace, check whether the furnace temperature is normal, adjust the furnace temperature.
In addition, check whether the gas pipe is leaking, whether the gas pipe is blocked, whether the gas volume is normal, whether the power supply of the electric control box is normal, whether the circuit of the electric control box is normal, and whether the flame sensor is normal.
Finally, it is very important to use and maintain Bosch wall-mounted stove correctly. Finding faults in time and repairing them in time can effectively prolong the service life of the stove and avoid the occurrence of extinguishing fault.